<aside> 💡 For Your Information

Course Idol Yumenosaki Gakuen aslinya khusus murid laki-laki saja, tapi di universe ini saat era (!!) dimulai ada sebuah uji coba untuk membuat course idol menjadi jurusan campuran setelah libur musim panas. Mio yang awalnya bersekolah di sekolah idol khusus putri memutuskan untuk membawa unitnya ke uji coba tsb dan menjadi murid course idol Yumenosaki






Mio is an idol who pursuits her dream to chase her admired person. She leads Asteria. People always misunderstand her as a scary and hard to approach person because of her facial feature, but actually she's a soft and honest person. She's calm but hardworker and always caring her friends. Her singing voice are soothing but full of power, and her performance looks fierce but beautiful.

Mio is Ruby the leader of Asteria at STARMAKER PRODUCTION

Sasaki Mio of Asteria calling for duty! For some circumstance we'll work under STARMAKER PRODUCTION as the first female unit

